Award Winning Journalist Reveals Secrets You Can Use To Get Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of FREE Publicity To Grow Your Business, Career Or Cause… Even If You Have No Clue How To Get Started!
Dear Friend:
Have ever said to yourself how can I get featured on television and radio or in print publications? If the answer is YES, reading this letter will likely be the most important thing you do today.
Let me explain why Publicity is essential to your success.
It comes down to one sentence.
“What you say about your business likely pales in comparison to what the media would probably say about your business” without you prepping them with the right message.
One successful media interview can launch your career or business into the stratosphere practically overnight.
Here’s the beautiful thing about it; it is not that hard to do once you know the proper techniques to open the media vault.
Even better is that know what to do and how to do it will allow you to save the $4,000 to $20,000 monthly retainer public relations firms charge to get you free Publicity with “no guarantees.”
My name is Chandra Whitfield and for the past 26 years I have been a professional journalist writing stories about some of the top Celebrities, Politicians, Authors, Entertainers and Corporations in the world. My work has been featured in…
You may not necessarily know my face, but my byline has been in more media outlets than I can even track. In fact, sometimes I have to Google myself to remember all of the articles that I’ve written. That’s because it is my gift and I’ve committed my life to finding great stories that people can really connect with. A-List Celebrities, Entertainers, Political Figures, Pro Athletes and Corporate CEOs, you name it, I have interviewed them.
You would recognize the names, but I don’t have enough time to run through them.
Rest assured, I know how to TELL A STORY THAT puts my SUBJECT’s STORY CENTERSTAGE in the media, allowing them to easily and effortlessly convey their core message on television, radio, digital and in print outlets. Naturally, that als0 includes social media platforms too.
Here’s why I’m writing this letter. Over the years I have been asked questions that usually fall into four categories:
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs ask - “Chandra, can you help me get featured? I have an amazing product or service.”
Entertainers ask – “Chandra, please help me reach media outlets so I can BLOW UP and get some shine in the entertainment industry.
Authors, Speakers, Coaches and Consultants ask – “I have an important message that needs to be shared with the world. Chandra, how can I use the power of the media to do it?”
Organizations ask – Chandra, would you please help our organization? We need more people to know about our cause. There’s so much competition out there nowadays, how do I stand out?
YES, YES, YES and YES! I can help you do all of that and much more. The three reasons I had not done so before is:
After receiving an endless numbers of these types of requests.
I sat down and said to myself “what can I do to help authors, speakers, entertainers, business owners, entrepreneurs and organizations live out their DREAMS using the power of Publicity without having to shell out $4,000.00 to $20,000 per month to public relations firms?
For years it had been a subject of conversation between me and my partner and friend Eric Anderson, the author of the top-selling books How To Turn Your Passion Into Profits In The New Economy and The Magic of Attitude.
Eric is a dynamic business consultant and marketing strategist who created the World-Famous Publicity campaign the “Blindfold Drive Across America.” Eric has leveraged free Publicity to gain national attention for his business as a consultant, author and speaker for some of the leading corporations in the world, including Delta Air Lines, Coca-Cola, Georgia-Pacific, NFL Players Association and countless others.
Eric and I finally joined forces and produced a special one-time only hyper-intensive day-long workshop called “The Magic of Publicity Bootcamp.”
At the end of this special event centered on getting Free Publicity (and believe it was long and thorough), the attendees wanted MORE. They could not believe how much intel we were able to share in the timeframe and they wanted to make sure they could learn other important tips that would help get them featured in the media.
At the end, Eric and I asked the attendees this single question:
Have ever said to yourself how can I get featured on television and radio or in print publications? If the answer is YES, reading this letter will likely be the most important thing you do today.
Let me explain why Publicity is essential to your success.
It comes down to one sentence.
“What you say about your business likely pales in comparison to what the media would probably say about your business” without you prepping them with the right message.
One successful media interview can launch your career or business into the stratosphere practically overnight.
Here’s the beautiful thing about it; it is not that hard to do once you know the proper techniques to open the media vault.
Even better is that know what to do and how to do it will allow you to save the $4,000 to $20,000 monthly retainer public relations firms charge to get you free Publicity with “no guarantees.”
My name is Chandra Whitfield and for the past 26 years I have been a professional journalist writing stories about some of the top Celebrities, Politicians, Authors, Entertainers and Corporations in the world. My work has been featured in…
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- The Huffington Post
- Essence
- Ebony
- People
- and on, and, just to name a few.
You may not necessarily know my face, but my byline has been in more media outlets than I can even track. In fact, sometimes I have to Google myself to remember all of the articles that I’ve written. That’s because it is my gift and I’ve committed my life to finding great stories that people can really connect with. A-List Celebrities, Entertainers, Political Figures, Pro Athletes and Corporate CEOs, you name it, I have interviewed them.
You would recognize the names, but I don’t have enough time to run through them.
Rest assured, I know how to TELL A STORY THAT puts my SUBJECT’s STORY CENTERSTAGE in the media, allowing them to easily and effortlessly convey their core message on television, radio, digital and in print outlets. Naturally, that als0 includes social media platforms too.
Here’s why I’m writing this letter. Over the years I have been asked questions that usually fall into four categories:
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs ask - “Chandra, can you help me get featured? I have an amazing product or service.”
Entertainers ask – “Chandra, please help me reach media outlets so I can BLOW UP and get some shine in the entertainment industry.
Authors, Speakers, Coaches and Consultants ask – “I have an important message that needs to be shared with the world. Chandra, how can I use the power of the media to do it?”
Organizations ask – Chandra, would you please help our organization? We need more people to know about our cause. There’s so much competition out there nowadays, how do I stand out?
YES, YES, YES and YES! I can help you do all of that and much more. The three reasons I had not done so before is:
- Finding the time in my schedule was almost impossible with all the projects I’m usually charged with juggling.
- I’d have had to charge a pretty penny in consulting fees to justify breaking away from all of my many well-paying clients to do so.
- The demands of being a wife and mom were just too much, especially when my kids were babies.
After receiving an endless numbers of these types of requests.
I sat down and said to myself “what can I do to help authors, speakers, entertainers, business owners, entrepreneurs and organizations live out their DREAMS using the power of Publicity without having to shell out $4,000.00 to $20,000 per month to public relations firms?
For years it had been a subject of conversation between me and my partner and friend Eric Anderson, the author of the top-selling books How To Turn Your Passion Into Profits In The New Economy and The Magic of Attitude.
Eric is a dynamic business consultant and marketing strategist who created the World-Famous Publicity campaign the “Blindfold Drive Across America.” Eric has leveraged free Publicity to gain national attention for his business as a consultant, author and speaker for some of the leading corporations in the world, including Delta Air Lines, Coca-Cola, Georgia-Pacific, NFL Players Association and countless others.
Eric and I finally joined forces and produced a special one-time only hyper-intensive day-long workshop called “The Magic of Publicity Bootcamp.”
At the end of this special event centered on getting Free Publicity (and believe it was long and thorough), the attendees wanted MORE. They could not believe how much intel we were able to share in the timeframe and they wanted to make sure they could learn other important tips that would help get them featured in the media.
At the end, Eric and I asked the attendees this single question:
If We Created A Do-It-Yourself Product That Would Show You Exactly How To Get Free Publicity Yourself, What Would You Want It To Cover?
Every attendee was able to contribute input. Here’s what they said they wanted…
They also wanted us to include examples of successful:
They also wanted us:
Eric and I discussed what everyone wanted and asked ourselves, “can we do this?” Again, the answer was a resounding YES!
Here is the final question we asked the Magic of Publicity Bootcamp attendees. What would you invest in a Publicity program like this if you could learn and be empowered to create ALL of your own Publicity campaigns without having to pay someone else over and over for “no guarantees.”
They agreed on $1,200.00 and Eric and I also decided to create a Founders Special to make it an even $1,000.00. We’d even allow for investment to paid in installments if need be.
If that were not enough, we even had the attendees name the program too. Today we proudly introduce the Magic of Publicity Academy!
Eric and I also raised the bar and decided to include some Special Bonuses:
Special Bonus #1 - You will receive LIFETIME access to our Magic Of Publicity Academy database giving you access to additional trainings and updates as we add them to the program.
Special Bonus #2 - We will host an interview series where media professionals share their respective Publicity journeys and answer questions.
Special Bonus #3 – We will serve as a resource for local and national media sources, including radio, television, magazine, newspaper and digital contacts to pitch your story to. At last check, this list included MORE THAN 19,000 entities. One of the benefits of Lifetime access is that we will continue to update the resource list.
Special Bonus #4 – We will include the recording of our six-plus hour LIVE Magic of Publicity Bootcamp, including case studies and “HOT SEAT” critiques where we worked out problems, answered questions and addressed concerns with attendees right on the spot.
When you really understand the power that Publicity can have on your business, your career or your cause, you’ll know that it’s not a matter of “if” you should sign up for this, it’s a matter of how soon may sign up. Publicity has the power to be the Game Changer that can bring you the revenue, attention and opportunity that will help you thrive.
Best of all, we have made the investment more than do-able. You can go through the process yourself or invest in sending someone on your team to the training to learn the strategies you can apply to enjoy RESOUNDING success.
- To learn how to tap into the information and details that will help them TELL THEIR STORY in a way that the media will effortlessly want to put on television, radio, podcasts and in newspapers and magazines too. Naturally, this would also include online media and social media too. Most importantly they wanted us to provide them with examples and story templates that will help them organize their information.
- To discover how to properly Connect with the media to secure coverage.
They also wanted us to include examples of successful:
- Press Release templates
- Press Query Letter templates
- Email Pitch templates
- Phone Pitch script templates
They also wanted us:
- To teach them how to effectively Communicate their message during their media interviews. As we detailed during the bootcamp, there are some important “dos and donts” to follow during a media interview to help avoid mistakes that could jeopardize your media opportunity.
- To show them how to extend the shelf life of their media opportunities. Getting featured in the media is one thing, but what do you do with your media coverage once you have received it is another. Believe it or not marketing your media appearances after you have received them is equally important. There are secret strategies for doing that and very few people know how to do so effectively. We will walk you through the steps to market your press appearances.
- To provide one personal story critique and/or consultation to help hone their message prior to the launch of their Publicity campaign efforts.
- To create a How To Think Like A Journalist guide that will walk you through the questions you should answer early on to best present your story and also provide you with a cheat sheet and checklist for all your Publicity campaigns.
- To show them how to combine Free Publicity with social media to create a “Snowball effect” to help your story go viral.
- To complete a LIVE Q&A prep sessions with a group.
- To be able to start quickly creating their Publicity campaigns and do it in four power-packed lives sessions recorded and hosted on a private membership platform that can be accessed anytime.
Eric and I discussed what everyone wanted and asked ourselves, “can we do this?” Again, the answer was a resounding YES!
Here is the final question we asked the Magic of Publicity Bootcamp attendees. What would you invest in a Publicity program like this if you could learn and be empowered to create ALL of your own Publicity campaigns without having to pay someone else over and over for “no guarantees.”
They agreed on $1,200.00 and Eric and I also decided to create a Founders Special to make it an even $1,000.00. We’d even allow for investment to paid in installments if need be.
If that were not enough, we even had the attendees name the program too. Today we proudly introduce the Magic of Publicity Academy!
Eric and I also raised the bar and decided to include some Special Bonuses:
Special Bonus #1 - You will receive LIFETIME access to our Magic Of Publicity Academy database giving you access to additional trainings and updates as we add them to the program.
Special Bonus #2 - We will host an interview series where media professionals share their respective Publicity journeys and answer questions.
Special Bonus #3 – We will serve as a resource for local and national media sources, including radio, television, magazine, newspaper and digital contacts to pitch your story to. At last check, this list included MORE THAN 19,000 entities. One of the benefits of Lifetime access is that we will continue to update the resource list.
Special Bonus #4 – We will include the recording of our six-plus hour LIVE Magic of Publicity Bootcamp, including case studies and “HOT SEAT” critiques where we worked out problems, answered questions and addressed concerns with attendees right on the spot.
When you really understand the power that Publicity can have on your business, your career or your cause, you’ll know that it’s not a matter of “if” you should sign up for this, it’s a matter of how soon may sign up. Publicity has the power to be the Game Changer that can bring you the revenue, attention and opportunity that will help you thrive.
Best of all, we have made the investment more than do-able. You can go through the process yourself or invest in sending someone on your team to the training to learn the strategies you can apply to enjoy RESOUNDING success.
But If You Snooze You Will Lose…
We are trying to assemble the right mix of representatives from certain industries to participate in the Magic of Publicity Academy. Why? Because the power of Publicity is so POWERFUL that it’s not really practical to have too many people from the same industry competing with each other on creating similar media campaigns.
Our decision might change later, but right now we will be very selective about who gets access to this invaluable information.
Plus, in the future the investment WILL increase to at least double because we know firsthand the power that Publicity wields and we’re now offering this program at a bargain rate.
Here is what we need you to do next.
Click the button below and you will be taken to a brief application page. Complete it, hit submit and next you will see the payment page . There your $1,000.00 dollar investment will be collected. Again you will be given the option to pay all at once or break up the payments into three equal installments if that works better for you. An additional $95 will be applied if you choose break up the payments, so your investment will come out to $1,095.00.
Our decision might change later, but right now we will be very selective about who gets access to this invaluable information.
Plus, in the future the investment WILL increase to at least double because we know firsthand the power that Publicity wields and we’re now offering this program at a bargain rate.
Here is what we need you to do next.
Click the button below and you will be taken to a brief application page. Complete it, hit submit and next you will see the payment page . There your $1,000.00 dollar investment will be collected. Again you will be given the option to pay all at once or break up the payments into three equal installments if that works better for you. An additional $95 will be applied if you choose break up the payments, so your investment will come out to $1,095.00.
With that said, your seat in this valuable program is not confirmed until you receive the confirmation email officially welcoming you to the Magic of Publicity Academy!
If your application is denied, it’s probably because someone else representing your industry has already been accepted. If so, you will receive a full refund and an email informing you of that.
Press the button below to complete and submit your application while it’s fresh on your mind. TRUST ME, YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS GAME-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY!
Thank you for your attention.
Chandra Whitfield
P.S. Publicity Guarantee – Eric and I firmly believe that if you follow our system as outlined you will SEE RESULTS. Yes, we believe you will get featured in local, regional or national media outlets. Again, that’s if you follow our system and utilize the plethora of resources that this program provide. If you follow our process as prescribed and do not get any media coverage, we will happily REFUND YOU the full amount of what of your investment into the program. That’s how sure we are that our system produces results!
If your application is denied, it’s probably because someone else representing your industry has already been accepted. If so, you will receive a full refund and an email informing you of that.
Press the button below to complete and submit your application while it’s fresh on your mind. TRUST ME, YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS GAME-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY!
Thank you for your attention.
Chandra Whitfield
P.S. Publicity Guarantee – Eric and I firmly believe that if you follow our system as outlined you will SEE RESULTS. Yes, we believe you will get featured in local, regional or national media outlets. Again, that’s if you follow our system and utilize the plethora of resources that this program provide. If you follow our process as prescribed and do not get any media coverage, we will happily REFUND YOU the full amount of what of your investment into the program. That’s how sure we are that our system produces results!